jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

No Fears, No Regrets, and Talking in Everymoment

Real quick. I am running out of time for the week to post but I wanted to talk about another experince I had with my night companion Elder Tolema. We currently have been focusing on talking to in every moment and we have talked to some really intresting people. Only in Uruguay where it is legal to smoke marijuana will you talk to 2 diffrent groups of people smoking and have conversations about life and and Gods plan for us. One  turned out to be a dud but the other was really great, and were with it enough to have a really good conversation. They did not accept our message but took a pamphlet and started thinking about things they have not really thought about.

We also ran into some really cool families one who had the missionaries visit her when she was a little girl and gave us her phone number to visit her family sometime next week. Another girl we meet was a young mother who has some really hard situations and she was with her new boyfriend and her  three year old girl was hilarious and really ended up helping the situation in the end but they were just making fun of us walking down the street, but we went up and talked to them and by the end had a little intrest and we will also try and have a lesson with them with them next week.

Other people we talked to ended up being a college student waiting for the bus, a man helping park cars, and many others that may not have really accepted our message but had a good experince.

Elder Teloma and I were talking about our amazing day and we talked about a District meeting where a another missionary had talked about what is worse the fear to talk to a complete stranger or the regret of knowing you should have talked to them.  For me Fear at times is the hardest but it seems after everytime not talking to them regret always follow. I have learned at times it is hard to talk to people, especially about the gospel at times but I know that if we overcome our fear we will have a amazing results and never have regrets.

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