martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Changes in Rosario

I am really short on time so this won´t have what I really wanted to say but I will have more time when I get to my new area in Dolores with my new comp Elder Sorenson from Salem, UT...It is going to be a fun next transfer and the area is suppose to be a really great area. This will be a huge change from where I have been in Rosario. Rosario is a great place and I hope to return but it is very challanging area.  The people here are very diffrent, and things have happened this changed which are really weird. I have seen things I thought I would never have seen or never wanted to see.  I am just going to end with sharing a thing a learned about the atonement from Presiden Smith when he was training us all during interviews. He was talking in life we all suffer from one thing or another but we suffer from our own choices or the choices of others. We truely learn the meaning of the atonement when we are not suffering for our mistakes. It is when other people do things we can´t control, or we have to see others especially the ones we love suffer. I don´t have my notes by me so I can´t quote it exact but this is so true. The true power of the atonement came not because Christ was paying for his own sins he was paying for ours. He also had his agency like all of us he didn´t have to pay for that. This is something I don´t think we will fully ever be able to understand is the Atonement of Jesues Christ, and his pure love. Rosario has been a very good experince for me and I have learned, and grown a lot. I am out of time but in the next few weeks I will try and share more of these experinces, but simply like it says 2 Nephi we can´t know true happiness with out understanding the concept of unhappiness. As difficult as Rosario has been it is probably one of my favorite areas and I hope to return and work here again later in the mission. I am also looking forward to my new change which was really unexpected because I was told I was going to be staying at first but I know God has a plan and even we don´t know what it is when we try and listen to the spirit and access the atonement we will know in his time.

Love you all

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