sábado, 12 de julio de 2014

Hoy es El Día or in other Words Today is the Day

We have a Creencia or a belief that is called Hoy es el Día which means today is the day. Today is the day the lord is hastening his work. Beign in the offices we do not have tons of time to work out in the field expect for the nights but I just want to share a few of my experinces of this belief.

First this sunday we had three people from the Domincian Repulic who just happened to show up at church. They have recently moved here and all meet in the airport. One is a convert for five years I believe who is coming back and just happened to bring all of her non member friends, to the church. They all now have baptisimal dates and were there for an amazing testimoney meeting. Later this week the day the accepted there baptismal dates they also brough another friend who also accepted, then the next lesson another friend who really is not that intrested but that is four people that have found us and not us finding them. We also have a 16 year old who was invited by people that had been invited by missionaries in the past to play soccer every Tuesday and he is also on the road to being baptizied.  They all found us not us finding them!!! It is incredible.

The other is one of the testimony from a less active member who bared her testimony and she did not say us but just said two priesthood holders passed by and helped be wake up from my sleeping state. What had happened is we had visited and commiteed her to starting to read the scriptures everyday. This is the cool thing with things going on in her life and such the Lord just happened to place the article President Uchdorf´s article Are You Sleeping in the Restoration.  She read this and as she said woke up. She has been attending for 2 weeks. Because of how we divided the area the others have not been able to pass by her house and find her available but each sunday she is there with her daughters and I feel she won´t be living anytime soon. This is nothing that we did yes is it was great to hear our efforst actually helped her but only could that have article in that moment impacted her so much that she felt the holy ghost so strong to return especially with out us being to follow up with her as much as we would like.

To finish

Yo salto de la cama todos los días and trabajo con fuerza y fe sabiendo mediante las profecias inspiradas que HOY ES EL DÍA en que el Señor está apresurando su obra.

I jump out of the bed every day working with all my effort and faith, knowing that through the inspired prophecias of the prophets that today is the day the lord is hastening his work.

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